2022-10-21 11:00 - 2022-11-20 16:00
Rotušės a. 27, Kaunas
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VIDEOFORMES | Regina Hübner. Dear Cell
“ … using dear to address this object of interest opens up the possibility of establishing a dialogue with and about an optically, chemically and mathematically identifiable object, which cannot be perceived by the human senses alone. what begins as kindly interest turns into a research imperative, accompanied by research eros. …”
Arnulf Rohsmann, research and eros, 2019.
Dear Cell is an interdisciplinary project conceived at IMéRA Institute for Advanced Study of Aix- Marseille University and realized in collaboration with CIML Centre d`Immunologie de Marseille- Luminy and Inmed Mediterranean Institute of Neurobiology, Marseille-Luminy, France.
Curated by Gabriel Soucheyre / VIDEOFORMES
Project is part of Kaunas 2022 program.
More about artist Regina Hübner: https://www.reginahuebner.net/.../dear-cell-kaunas-2022/
Image: Regina Hübner, Dear Cell (eyes), VIDEOFORMES, Chapelle de l’Oratoire, 2021. Detail of the Ambientation. Foto by Regina Hübner.
Group exhibition "Intermediate Glooms" at Meno Parkas Gallery
2025-01-04 11:00
Rotušės a. 27, Kaunas, Kauno m. sav